Improve Quality, This Is What The Directorate of Vocational Education of UMM

Wednesday, February 17, 2021 23:31 WIB

The Directorate of Vocational Education, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) has a special guest today. Namely Ananto Kusuma Seta PhD, CEO of the Indonesian Spice Line who is also a former Expert Staff of the Minister of Education and Culture for Innovation and Vocational Affairs in 2019. In addition there is also Prof. Dr. Waras Khamdi, a member of the National Education Standards Agency. They came to consolidate about vocational education at UMM. In total there were 9 study programs under the Directorate of Vocational Education and Training of UMM which took part in the activities held at Rayz UMM Hotel. They are D3 Nursing, D3 Electrical Engineering, D3 Banking Finance, D4 ​​Poultry Agribusiness, D4 Property Business, D4 Cyber ​​Security and Digital Forensics, D4 Hospitality and Tourism and D4 Online and Retail Business.

Director of the Directorate of Vocational Education UMM Dr. Tulus Winarsunu, M.Si said that the core of this activity is to maintain the quality of vocational education output. Especially in the synergy between vocational education and industry. “The vocational education curriculum cannot be arbitrary. It must be in accordance with the needs of the industry,” explained the man from Banyuwangi.



