D3 Banking and Finance

The Diploma III Finance and Banking Study Program aims to produce professional middle experts (AMD) in the field of Finance and Banking. The process of achieving Associate Experts is designed for no more than 3 (three) years.

D3 Nursing

Diploma III Nursing Program UMM has accreditation from the Ministry of Health and the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT). Lecturers in this study program are qualified for Masters in Nursing Specialist Maternity, Community, Infant and Children, Management, Medical Surgical and Mental Health graduates from well-known universities at home and abroad.

D3 Electrical Engineering

The Electrical Engineering Study Program equips students with skills and expertise in the field of electrical engineering, including electric power systems, electronics, industrial control systems, telecommunication systems, and computer and informatics network systems. This study program has graduated more than 2,040 Engineering Bachelors and Associate Engineers who have careers as government and private employees, academics, entrepreneurs, contractors, consultants to entrepreneurship.

D4 Poultry Agribusiness

D4 Poultry Agribusiness prepares skilled and professional human resources in the poultry sector. Ready to work with high skills according to the needs of the poultry industry as well as to become an entrepreneur. Students are equipped with comprehensive skills needed in poultry agribusiness management, from pre-production, production to marketing. In order to strengthen the depth of knowledge, expertise and skills of graduates, a competitive curriculum has been prepared with modern and complete practical facilities, and is supported by collaboration with various national and international poultry industries.

Profil : Booklet D4 Agribisnis Unggas

D4 Property Business

Graduates of the Property Business D4 Study Program are prepared to be able to directly enter the property business, that is, to become entrepreneurs in the property sector and to be able to fill the need for experts in the property sector which are still widely needed today. Students are directed to master several areas of expertise comprehensively needed in property development, management, and marketing.

Profil : Booklet D4 Bisnis Properti



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